Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lessons learning

It's hard not to weigh in on the tragic Tiger and Elin Woods situation. I have remained relatively silent because it's not any of our business. Sure Patti and I have talked about the situation at home, but I refuse to cast stones. I only choose to talk about it now because I feel that it's actually a wonderful, yet painful, platform for a lesson to be learned. There are many lessons that can be learned from the Woods' situation.

I have chosen not to judge Tiger for his adultery, or judge Elin for staying or not staying with Tiger because I too have made some monumental mistakes. I don't feel as if what Tiger has done as any worse than some of my past poor decisions. There's a blaring difference...I'm not Tiger Woods. I'm not the most recognizable person in the world. I'm not an iconic figure. Those who have stated how awful he is, should really look into their closet and see if they are qualified to make such a statement. Those who question the man's character need to spot check their past for times in which their character was in-consistent. I am a judgemental person. This is a sin that I struggle with still. I have actually taken this tragedy and used it to re-examine my life and the decisions that I've made in the past. I'm in no place to judge Tiger, and neither are you.

I think that another lesson that can be learned is that with out a God centered relationship and focus we are doomed. You may not have that type of relationship with God and still have a wonderful committed relationship with your spouse, but eternally you will be doomed. This man who has claimed to be "religious" in the past is clearly lost. He is so amazing, determined, and focused on the golf course, but is a complete disaster off. Imagine if Tiger takes this trial in his life and puts as much energy, focus and determination into developing a relationship with God! Can you imagine the impact that he could have? I pray that this happens.

I truly believe that God only gives us what we can handle. He never intends to break us, but rather break us down in order to build us back up into a stronger more effective disciple. God has allowed Tiger to make some choices that have sever consequences, but God has been training Tiger for this his whole life. God has given him all the tools necessary to come through this a better man. I look at my life and some of the choices that I've made in the past and I thank God that He put me through the ringer at times. God has given me some great lessons to draw strength and courage from. He's also shown me what life is like with out Him, and I choose Him.

Have you learned anything from the poor choices that Tiger has made? Have you learned from the poor choices that you have made? Have you sat in judgement on him and his family with out looking at your own life? Can you say that your sins and mistakes aren't as bad as his? I pray that you also seek God in all of this, because I certainly have been.

Love you all.

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