Sunday, December 21, 2008

What can you do?

"God is intimately personal with us and He speaks in ways that are peculiar to our own quirky hearts - not just through the Bible, but through the whole creation...God's word to me comes in many ways - through sunsets and friends and films and music and wilderness and books...Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - As told by John Eldredge in Wild at Heart, pg. 200.

As I was reading this, I began to feel something familiar. I have this feeling every so often. It's pure, honest, and very clear. I feel that God wants me to try and honor Him through the giving of myself. Volunteer work. I love helping people. So, I'm going to start praying, and ask that you do the same, that God gives me a cause. That He presents Himself to me in some organization that I can impact in a positive way. I will let you know what He reveals.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Call In "Gay" Day?!

I mean seriously?! I'm glad that it was a total disaster. Many of you know where I stand on that life-style anyway, but how selfish this truly is! We're just in the middle of a recession and approaching a depression. No big deal. Let's not stimulate the economy. My Mother-In-Law's coporate HQ had to make sure that her and all the other managers were sensitive to this deliberate insubordination.

Ponder this: Call in "Hispanic American" Day... Now, this actually would hurt the economy. But the difference is...Legal or Not the Hispanic American population is, for the most part, a very hard working group of people! I know that would have a major negative impact on my business. Because I know this, I make sure that that I respect Cinco De Mayo with a different day off.

Call in "Caucasian" Day... That's just racist. That's just biggotry. The nerve of me to actually compare the two. "Straight White people have all of the rights and freedoms that gays don't!" Yeah, like picking up every rediculous sensitivity tax burden that is proposed and passed! Sweet!

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Right now isn't the time or the season to be selfish. We need to focus on what's most important. We need to be working harder. We need to find ways to stimulate the economy while not creating more debt. Also, we need to focus on love, kindness, and mercy. As we near closer to Christmas, try and think more about others and less about yourself. Try and think of ways that you can give even if it's just some of your time.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

360 Degree Leader

My work sent a couple of our Corporate trainers to Atlanta to take the 360 Degree Leadership training course by John C. Maxwell. Several of us were selected to take the course today. One of the Training Directors that I admire a lot taught our class today and it was great. I can't wait to share some of my thoughts with all of you. I need to digest everything that we went through today, so be looking for some insight coming soon...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Follow up...

"Take America back from who? and for the good of all or just the strong, powerful and wealthy? I definitely agree that the weak old man should live in quarters suited to a man who can't contribute to society in a way that fattens his pocketbook. Even if his savings was affected by the drop in housing prices or stock market. The time of fairness is over. I don't know what that means, but it doesn't sound good. Does it mean that we no longer are responsible to be humane to people just for being alive. I guess it means we can finally treat people according to how much money they make, as that is the true measure of human quality.
What is this idea of tolerance. What price has been paid forever? Has your conscience been paying? I don't understand. Are you talking about the welfare program that is put in place to assist people who have been put in hard times by circumstances out of their control? Welfare reform is a constant need, as people do get too comfortable with help and people will learn to exploit the system. Does this situation infuriate you?
Have you been coddling minorities?
I don't understand your email, and I believe the guy who wrote that article just needs one good night with Aunt Jemima to open his eyes.
Yes, the time of kindness is over!! Kick homeless people, enthusiastically look down upon cultures that are different than yours, and lie cheat and steal to make more money in your life because that is what we are alive for - and all this because the majority elected a black president! Hip hip hooray!!" -- JMcD

Take America back from the corrupt Government. Take America back for the reasons and principles on which this country was founded. Take America back for the people, and not the government. Give it back to each according to their contributions and input. Fairness? Affirmative's not the time to meet quotas. Now is the time to put the best people in place. Something you've obviously missed, is that I will support the Leaders of MY COUNTRY. I will scrutinize policy and appointments in Barack's cabinet as well. Yes we can! That's part of being an American. Being objective and having a back-bone...being able to voice what one feels is right, being able to openly praise AND oppose. Yes we can!

Your re-buttle to the weak old man is weak. Savings? What? What you obviously don't understand is that he absolutely CAN contribute to "society". That is what I'm saying...According to his strengths and skills. If he "CHOOSES" not to, then forget him. I'm not paying him...welfare. Oh man, how skewed your interpretations are. Humane does not mean supporting the lazy. Humane does not mean taxing the one's who create jobs, and using that money to extend un-employment benefits. I volunteer my time, and my money, so please don't judge me with your false assumptions. What's capable people hand-outs, or giving in-capable people care and blessings? This is the difference that I'm talking about. Just being alive doesn't mean that you get free-bees. You want free-bees then walk up and down the isles at Costco.

Your outlook on life is very negative..."treat people according to how much money they make"? C'mon, that wasn't stated anywhere in my response. What's fair is paying people according to their input. What's fair is rewarding those who do volunteer. What's fair is giving credits to those who create jobs. That's fair. Nowhere did I say that the amount of money is relative to fairness. You mis-understood.
How bleak your views. Tolerance? I should be able to have a conversation about my non-support of gay marriages without being called a biggot. They can flaunt their propaganda all day and it's called Pride. Stand up against it and one is hateful, and insensitive. I should be able to openly discuss that the race card is finally over with, and yes Barack has had a HUGE, if not the biggest, role in that and I applaud him. But, I'm racist and insensitive if I discuss race. "I don't know what it was like to be black in the 60's and earlier." Well neither do most of the people that play the card. Even now, you took what you wanted to take from my email, and turned it into me "hate mongering". I should be able to denounce abortion in public. But no, no, no...That makes me some sort of Pharisee. That shows that I have no compassion, and that I again am insensitive.

Not sure about your relation of tolerance to welfare/welfare reform. Welfare reform is in need, we do agree. Barack wants to extend the basic un-employment plan to an additional 3 months. That breeds laziness. Sometimes people come into hard times, I agree with you here too. My response to this is that sometimes during tough times we have to take jobs that we don't want to take. Sometimes, we have to clean the grease traps at McDonalds, and deliver papers. It might not be what we dreamed of, but it is work, and there's no shame in that. I don't know how to say this any more clearly...I do feel that we need to be selective with those that we give welfare to. If one is capable, and just doesn't want to take a job that is "below" them, then that's their problem. People being selective with the job/industry that they want to work in, is their problem. My father is a Psychologist, and he worked as a pizza maker and delivery guy while getting his PHD. He also, held two other part-time jobs during this time. He would've rather spent time with his 3 young babies, but that wasn't an option. Neither was government hand-outs. I know companies right now that are begging for employees. There is work out there and it might not be glamorous, but it's work. It's putting money back into the economy, and it's doing what is our duty as Americans, paying income tax, which stimulates the economy. So, yes it does infuriate me. Part of me wants the whole system suspended in-definitely, but then America would have no heart. It's absurd how much money is abused in our current welfare system and it's disgusting. So, yes.

"Yes, the time of kindness is over!! Kick homeless people, enthusiastically look down upon cultures that are different than yours, and lie cheat and steal to make more money in your life because that is what we are alive for - and all this because the majority elected a black president! Hip hip hooray!!" This ending is just completely weak and unfounded. You might have been the only one who read my response through those glasses. "...all because we elected a black president"? I never said anything about that.

Missional living is a life-style that we should all embrace. This life-style is centered around kindness and mercy. Centered around the giving of time and resources to those who need it most. I will apologize for not clarifying my definition of "weak". Weak is not working, when you can. Weak is capable people using the American people to get by. Weak is people who complain about the hand that they've been dealt, and yet do nothing to change it. Weak is saying that we should be more humane and giving, and yet they've never given time or resources. Weak does not mean the people who literally can't take care of themselves. They need to be taken care's part of missional living. In Dallas my wife and I began to volunteer at battered women's shelters and a Church-based State-funded foster program. So, before I get called a hypocrite I wanted you to know that. I don't want any kudos, I do it because that's what's right. And that is another one of my duties as an American!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Enough with the Race Card!

This is a response that I had for an aquaintance. He felt like the African-American culture is still hand-cuffed by the "white" culture.

I think it's incredibly accurate and founded. I too will not tolerate tolerance anymore. The price has been paid forward for ever. The Jews don't still get retributions, and there might have been one or two more murdered than blacks during the so-called "slave" era...which that in and of itself is a mis-information of American History books and lessons. Technically "liberals" and "democrats" were actually the majority of slave owners. The "Southerners" or "Slave Owners" as the un-educated black and liberals call them, were actually only attacked because they wanted to succeed from the North. One of the reasons they wanted to succeed was because of the importation of African Slaves. So, that being said...Blackey - Whitey, doesn't matter to me. If they can't get out the ghetto, then that's their problem. If Whitey can't get out the Trailer Park, then screw that lazy, Obama Economic Policy abusing fool too! Oh, and by the way how is slavery different from Obama's economic policy/Socialism? Skills, education, and experience do not matter. You all get the same cotts to sleep on and the same pourage to eat. "Oh you're stronger? Well do more work, and enjoy the same benefits as that poor, weak old man over there. You're smarter? Well then I expect you to do it more efficiently then the rest of them for the same amount of money." The time of coddling minorities, retributions, politically correctness, affirmative action, and "fairness" is over. It's time for accountability and separation of the weak from the strong...the leaders from the followers. It's time to take America back for the greater good of all!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Reflections in Leadership #1

The ability to lead effectively determines the success of those you lead. “…How they perform is simply a reflection of the one for whom they work.” (President of Hyatt Hotels) The traits of a leader CAN be acquired. I also feel that they can be inspired! Leadership needs to be trained, developed, and nurtured. It doesn’t just show up. Inspiring your team to always do better and always do more is a major success of a leader. People want to be lead. Influence! “the ability to obtain followers.” Every member of a team is a leader to someone. The constant influencing of others makes this point true.

Don't Take it From Me...Take it From Chuck Norris

Obama, Now That You Work for Me (A Letter to the President-Elect)
by Chuck Norris

Dear President-elect Obama: First, congratulations on your victory. The historical magnitude of your presidential win is nothing short of stupendous and a colossal fulfillment of the American dream (an achievement embedded long ago in the equality clauses of the Declaration of Independence). It's likely no big surprise that I don't see eye to eye with you politically. Actually, I stand in stark opposition to most of your politics. Still, I realize that we must learn to work together if we are to see our country get back on track. After Election Day, I asked myself, "How can I work for our new president to help better America?" Then a thought occurred to me. The first question that should be answered is: How will you work for me? After all, "We the People" of the United States employ you, correct?

So here are a few ways you might begin to gain the respect of those who oppose you and to show that your campaign pledges to bridge the divides were not empty promises to get you into office. And these requests I make are based upon the inaugural oath you will make Jan. 20, "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." No doubt these won't be my only requests through the years, but they serve as a good beginning:

-- Use and cite the Constitution. If that constitutional oath ("preserve, protect and defend") is the central duty of your job description, then I assume we will be hearing often from you about exactly how you are doing just that. There is no replacement for strict adherence, application and defense of the Constitution. And it's high time that presidents quit reciting the presidential oath tritely and then abandoning its tenets when they enter the Oval Office. You should be quoting from the Constitution publicly as often as a preacher quotes the Bible to his congregation -- at least weekly. If you take this oath and challenge seriously, you will limit the powers of federal government, reduce taxes (for everyone), encourage the freedom of religion and expression (even in the public square), and stand up for such things as our right to bear arms. The American public and the government have lost their grip on the content and role of the Constitution, but if you daily choose, you can help to re-educate and model its usage for them.

-- Protect American life. Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1809, "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government." Those are powerful and enlightening words. Of course, such a role was created and secured in the very fabric of our nation -- in the Declaration of Independence. The commitment to protect life should serve as the basis for all you do, even as a foundation for your national defense strategy. I'm sure the first of your secret briefings this past week on our global security threats have opened your eyes to the extensive onslaught of our enemies. Don't allow your pride, partisanship, personal bias or political abilities to jeopardize the safety of Americans lives. As commander in chief, you are called to preserve American life. Quite frankly, that is why I'm surprised that a man such as you, who professes to fight for minorities, would not recognize the clear value of a human life in a womb. Federal law should not decree the sacrifice of one human life for the preference of another. Both lives should be protected. Otherwise, what do Jefferson's 1809 words mean? As president, you are called to protect (not destroy) human life; it is the "first and only legitimate object of good government."

-- Lead more from the center. It's been pointed out by countless pundits, and your track record is clear: You have one of the most liberal records in the Senate. You've had the liberty of voting and fighting for an agenda "from the left" as you've tried to persuade state and federal lawmakers to do the same. But if you continue to lead our country down a more liberal road, you will follow the peril of Bill Clinton, who stepped into office and initially tried to lift the ban on gays in the military and extend abortion rights, only to prompt the creation of a more balanced and strong Republican Congress in the 1990s. Don't underestimate the resurrecting power of the conservative voice. You observed in last week's election how three states across this union voted to protect marriage in their constitutions (the 28th, 29th and 30th states to do so -- California, Arizona and Florida).

We will be watching who you choose to be in your Cabinet. We will discern how you lead Pelosi and Reid. We will be observing those you select as candidates for Supreme Court justices. The election is over. No more promises. No more words. You might work well in a team, but this time, you don't have congressional members to hide behind. You're on your own -- leading the pack -- and the whole country is watching. I, especially, am watching. So make sure you lead more from the center.

One of your 300 million bosses,

Chuck Norris

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Love Affair with Barack

The infatuation with Barack Obama can be compared to a sexual based relationship. The problem with these relationships is that they are based on physical connection and not on a spiritual connection. The relationship will not fully mature until both people begin to connect on a spiritual level. Often times what happens, is one person is giving more of themself to the relationship than the other. There is no reciprication. In the end this person feels taken advantage of, and/or manipulated. They feel used and lied to.

We have a man who has promised his partner (America) the world. He convincers her that he really likes her. He tells her that he's going to be an honest guy and that he likes kitties. But she's heard things about him from mutual friends that she has questions about. He cheated on his last girlfriend and she thinks she's going to have a hard time trusting him. But, surely he's changed. He will promise to think about her feelings first, unlike his behavior with his former girlfriend. He's going to make sure that he meets all of her needs...especially her emotional needs. Friends say that he hangs out with the wrong crowd. He will give up that group of friends for her. He used to be into drinking and all night partying. He will quit that life style.

She is going to give him a chance, and at least get to know him on a friendly level. He has decided to take her to a couple of nice dinners. He opens her doors for her. He randomly shows up at her work with a spring bouquets. He buys "just thinking about you" cards and discreetly puts them in her mailbox. This is not the cheating type. He's nice. He's "changed". She feels that there is "hope" in taking a chance with him. They become closer and closer. Next...

Now they've developed this physical relationship after only knowing each other a short while. He feels as if for the past month he hasn't seen his old friends. He decides to go out with them. He stays up all night partying and running around. He remembers how much fun his extreme lifestyle was. He begins to embrace the "old him", all the while pushing his girlfriend away. She sees the change starting to take place, but she'll never admit it. She can't, she'll look like a fool to all of her friends that said "I told you so". One day, he tells her with no shame in his face that he can not be the person that he said he would try and become. It's not in his nature. He even goes as far as trying to blame it on her. She put too much pressure on him to be someone that he's not. He followed suit because he thought that was what she wanted to hear. She feels dejected. She feels shame, anger, guilt and knows that she should've never trusted him.

What's going to happen is that Barack made a deal with the devil. He has embraced and lived to the extreme far left his whole life. The far left is what got him into office. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank; they're all going to come a knockin for there due credit. They put him into the lime light. They made him who he is, and now they want theirs. But, this can't happen...Barack promised America Bi-Partisanship. He promised to govern from the center and reach across the isles. What will happen, is that the far left will eat him alive. They will make him look stupid, because they don't care about anyone. He will not look stupid. So for all those "girlfriends" that threw a line out for "hope" and "change", they will be left feeling used. He's too proud to admit fault, and he will then divide this nation all over again. I'm just glad that I'm one of the "I told you so's".

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Practice What You Preach

“As a Christian, I have a hard time understanding why some of my Christian friends listen to him so faithfully.”

This is what an acquaintance said about people who listen to Rush Limbaugh, and it was more than likely directed at someone I love dearly.

What’s most upsetting is the beginning of the statement; “As a Christian…” The reason that this is upsetting is because this individual is like so many “Christians” today. People say issues aren’t black and white, and that there is interpretation in God’s laws and commandments. Christians that accuse others of being discriminatory because they vote against allowances for a homosexual marriage is OK, but condemning those allowances makes one a hate monger. Not educating young girls on abortion and the different opportunities to murder children after conception is un-acceptable. Protesting this makes one in-sensitive and a person of no compassion.

I’m not about to judge others, because that is God’s place. But since it has become so politically charged lately, I will tell you that I won’t validate these behaviors with my vote. God calls Christians to spread the Good News. In spreading that Good News we are charged NOT to manipulate His word.

One definition of the term cult is: A communicative conflict with people who hold a different definition of the same term. The Bible warns us of those who will add to or take away from His Word. God is consistent. He is the same today as He is tomorrow. God does not waiver in His love, but like-wise he does not waiver in holding us accountable. I only bring this up, because at the Gates of Heaven God will ask me to give an account for myself. He will ask why I did not defend His word and message to all. I want to be able to look at him with no shame and guilt.
I am for a separation of Church and State. I don’t believe in talking about religion in the work place, nor do I believe in talking about political views in the work place (unless politics is your work). The President Elect brought the religious attention upon himself in an attempt to lure the Religious Right. We all saw what happened with that failing attempt. His relationship with the hypocrite Rev. Wright was exposed, and his legislative history on abortion was exposed as well. Again, I do believe in separation of Church and State, but it should not be brought up if one doesn’t want it to be scrutinized.

God loves all of us more than we know…even when we choose a life style that is defiant to His teachings. Parents don’t like it when their children are dis-obedient, but they do not stop loving them.

Passages on Homosexuality:
Lev. 18:22 states the principle: "You [masculine] shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination" (NRSV). The second (Lev. 20:13) adds the penalty: "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them."
Passages on when life begins:
The Bible Uses "man, woman, child, son, daughter, baby etc."
1. Since these terms are used for unborn children, then we have evidence that human life is present before birth
2. The Bible makes no distinction of any kind in the terms used to describe a fetus.
3. Body without spirit is dead: Jas 2:26
4. The blood is the life: Deut 12:23 fetus has bloodstream at 4 weeks
B. "Begat sons and daughters" Gen 5:3,4,28-30
1. Begat always refers to conception and fertilization
C. "children & sons in womb" Gen 25:21-22; 2 Ki 19:3; Ruth 1:11
D. "a man child conceived" Job 3:3
1. notice the difference: day of birth, night conceived see Rev 12:5 "man child born"
E. "mother" of unborn child Num 12:12; Lk 1:43
F. Rom 9:11 for though the twins were not yet born, and had not done anything good or bad
G. "baby leapt for joy" in mother's womb Lk 1:41,44
conceived a "son" Lk 1:36; Acts 7:29

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trickle Up Effect Vs. Trickle Down Economics

The Trickle Up Effect is defined as the economic theory used to describe the flow of wealth from the poor to the affluent.

A common criticism of republicans and capitalism is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Capitalism by definition alone makes this argument just whining. I will make an argument for Trickle Down Economics by exposing and dismantling the Trickle Up Effect (Obamanomics/Clintonomics/FDR’s “Bad Deal”). Look, I like Robin Hood as much as the next guy. I mean that cute, cunning little fox helped all the forest folk by stealing from the evil Sheriff of Nottingham. It was a great story. Well, life’s not a cartoon. Here’s where the lunacy starts.

The trickle up effect states that benefits to the wealthy will be realized due to an increase in sales relative to the amount of benefits that are given to the poor. OK, you got me; I’m intrigued; do go on. The trickle up effect argues itself as more effective than the trickle down effect because people who have less tend to buy more. In other words, the poor are more inclined than the wealthy to spend their money. Why on earth are they poor then? This being so, proponents of the trickle up effect believe that if the lower and lower-middle classes are given benefits(paid for by increased tax rates on businesses and the “wealthy”), such as tax breaks or subsidies, the increased funds would be spent at a much higher rate than would the upper class, given similar fund increases. Furthermore, the trickle up effect argues, many upper-class individuals do not spend their entire yearly salary to begin with, which is an indication that they will not spend any additional funds. You mean being responsible? Instead, they will save additional funds, thereby withholding those funds from the economy and increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. The word withholding is actually slang for re-investing…I know it’s tricky. The trickle up effect avoids this pitfall by giving more money to those who would be more inclined to spend it. So, stop me if you’ve heard enough.

Socialism is bearing down upon us.

As the election nears, I can't help but have a sense of fear for what might come. Senator Obama is the biggest threat to our Country. He will take the principles that this country was founded on and abolish them. There has been much criticism on his theory of "spreading the wealth". I say not enough. This sounds like a great idea to many. This same group of people are also at the root of our housing crisis. Senator Obama was at the forefront for making un-affordable housing affordable. I don't have a problem with this, until it is mis-managed. What happened was, he and other's forced banks to give home loans to individuals that were not worthy. I am not an elitist, rather an objectivist and realist. Let me explain further.
Sen. Obama implemented a program in Illinois called NINJA. NINJA: No Income No Job or Assetts. This was a loan program offered to the very people that it was acronymed after. Excuse me! Housing is not a right, it is a well earned privilege. Income aside, I am not credit worthy at this point in my life. I was irresponsible. I embrace the regulation that I cannot, at least with a decent rate, receive a home loan. OK, so how does this relate to Socialism? One way is that these very same banks, that either chose to abuse the system or were forced into supporting this system, no longer have liquidity to lend to businesses. Businesses cannot take out pay-roll loans(good debt), because the bank's funds are spread across defaulted home loans. This is the beginning of the cycle. Bank rates go up for these businesses in order to recuperate some of the money. Businesses lay employees off to counter the rate hikes. Now this individual who has been laid off no longer has his or her own revenue to re-invest(consume) back into the system. Capitalism is broken. How do we fix it? Bigger Government? This will help regulate some of the corrupt banks and businessmen who control them. Well, who pays for these new salaries? Taxpayers. We can't tax the people that have been laid off, so let's increase the taxes on the businesses that laid them off. You see how dangerous this will become.

If Barack Obama wins this election, one thing is certain... he will preside over the largest expansion of the government's role in the economy since the 1930s. This "New New Deal," as some Democrats are already calling it, may well have the same result as the original one: to turn a sharp, painful recession into a long Depression. Will that set the stage for a GOP president in 2012 -- the way '70s stagflation under Jimmy Carter set the stage for Ronald Reagan? I doubt it. More likely, Obama will be able to parlay the hard economic times into a second term. How? The same way FDR did… by blaming everything that happens on his watch on his predecessors. The worse things get, the more the Obamacrats will blame it on "eight years of Republican deregulation, tax cuts and greed," calling for even more government intervention as the solution. And the media, of course, will back them up.

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Welcome All

The intentions of this blog, are just like that of most blogs. I intend to express my beliefs for whomever care to read. The entries will be my feelings on pressing issues in our world, in my heart, and even some fun updates from me. I love provocative interactions. I encourage debaters and free thinkers. I hope that my entries will inspire people to respond. I do not accept hate or negativity. This will be a platform for openness and listening. I am proponent of encouragement and hope. I hope to chat with you soon.