Sunday, December 21, 2008

What can you do?

"God is intimately personal with us and He speaks in ways that are peculiar to our own quirky hearts - not just through the Bible, but through the whole creation...God's word to me comes in many ways - through sunsets and friends and films and music and wilderness and books...Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - As told by John Eldredge in Wild at Heart, pg. 200.

As I was reading this, I began to feel something familiar. I have this feeling every so often. It's pure, honest, and very clear. I feel that God wants me to try and honor Him through the giving of myself. Volunteer work. I love helping people. So, I'm going to start praying, and ask that you do the same, that God gives me a cause. That He presents Himself to me in some organization that I can impact in a positive way. I will let you know what He reveals.

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