Saturday, June 27, 2009

Also from 10/29/2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trickle Up Effect Vs. Trickle Down Economics

The Trickle Up Effect is defined as the economic theory used to describe the flow of wealth from the poor to the affluent.

A common criticism of republicans and capitalism is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Capitalism by definition alone makes this argument just whining. I will make an argument for Trickle Down Economics by exposing and dismantling the Trickle Up Effect (Obamanomics/Clintonomics/FDR’s “Bad Deal”). Look, I like Robin Hood as much as the next guy. I mean that cute, cunning little fox helped all the forest folk by stealing from the evil Sheriff of Nottingham. It was a great story. Well, life’s not a cartoon. Here’s where the lunacy starts.

The trickle up effect states that benefits to the wealthy will be realized due to an increase in sales relative to the amount of benefits that are given to the poor. OK, you got me; I’m intrigued; do go on. The trickle up effect argues itself as more effective than the trickle down effect because people who have less tend to buy more. In other words, the poor are more inclined than the wealthy to spend their money. Why on earth are they poor then? This being so, proponents of the trickle up effect believe that if the lower and lower-middle classes are given benefits(paid for by increased tax rates on businesses and the “wealthy”), such as tax breaks or subsidies, the increased funds would be spent at a much higher rate than would the upper class, given similar fund increases. Furthermore, the trickle up effect argues, many upper-class individuals do not spend their entire yearly salary to begin with, which is an indication that they will not spend any additional funds. You mean being responsible? Instead, they will save additional funds, thereby withholding those funds from the economy and increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. The word withholding is actually slang for re-investing…I know it’s tricky. The trickle up effect avoids this pitfall by giving more money to those who would be more inclined to spend it. So, stop me if you’ve heard enough.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Socialism is bearing down upon us.

As the election nears, I can't help but have a sense of fear for what might come. Senator Obama is the biggest threat to our Country. He will take the principles that this country was founded on and abolish them. There has been much criticism on his theory of "spreading the wealth". I say not enough. This sounds like a great idea to many. This same group of people are also at the root of our housing crisis. Senator Obama was at the forefront for making un-affordable housing affordable. I don't have a problem with this, until it is mis-managed. What happened was, he and other's forced banks to give home loans to individuals that were not worthy. I am not an elitist, rather an objectivist and realist. Let me explain further.
Sen. Obama implemented a program in Illinois called NINJA. NINJA: No Income No Job or Assetts. This was a loan program offered to the very people that it was acronymed after. Excuse me! Housing is not a right, it is a well earned privilege. Income aside, I am not credit worthy at this point in my life. I was irresponsible. I embrace the regulation that I cannot, at least with a decent rate, receive a home loan. OK, so how does this relate to Socialism? One way is that these very same banks, that either chose to abuse the system or were forced into supporting this system, no longer have liquidity to lend to businesses. Businesses cannot take out pay-roll loans(good debt), because the bank's funds are spread across defaulted home loans. This is the beginning of the cycle. Bank rates go up for these businesses in order to recuperate some of the money. Businesses lay employees off to counter the rate hikes. Now this individual who has been laid off no longer has his or her own revenue to re-invest(consume) back into the system. Capitalism is broken. How do we fix it? Bigger Government? This will help regulate some of the corrupt banks and businessmen who control them. Well, who pays for these new salaries? Taxpayers. We can't tax the people that have been laid off, so let's increase the taxes on the businesses that laid them off. You see how dangerous this will become.

If Barack Obama wins this election, one thing is certain... he will preside over the largest expansion of the government's role in the economy since the 1930s. This "New New Deal," as some Democrats are already calling it, may well have the same result as the original one: to turn a sharp, painful recession into a long Depression. Will that set the stage for a GOP president in 2012 -- the way '70s stagflation under Jimmy Carter set the stage for Ronald Reagan? I doubt it. More likely, Obama will be able to parlay the hard economic times into a second term. How? The same way FDR did… by blaming everything that happens on his watch on his predecessors. The worse things get, the more the Obamacrats will blame it on "eight years of Republican deregulation, tax cuts and greed," calling for even more government intervention as the solution. And the media, of course, will back them up.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day

This is my second Father's day. To me this will mark the most significant Father's day that I have ever had. This is not to dis-credit any Father's day with my father, or any day at all with my father. This is actually a tribute to my father, and to his father.

I am a different man than I ever thought I would be. I am a better father than I ever thought I could be. I am a better son than I ever knew I could be. My father is a good, God-fearing man. He has taught me what it truly means to be a man. My father has taught me what it means to lead with the heart. He has taught me, what it means to hold people matter what the circumstances. My father has taught me how to care for others first. He taught me that it is definitely not about me. He has helped me to realize that in order for me to be a man and a father that I have to honor God first and above all!

The reason that I say this is the most significant Father's day for me, is because I have never looked at being a father like I do now. I have never realized the impact that I have, until now. Last year, I was still selfish. I thought Father's day was about me. It's not. It's about everyone that I can affect. Father's day is about serving my wife. Father's day is about serving my children. Father's day is about giving Glory to the Lord who gave Everything so that I can be a good Father.

This past year I have grown in ways that I never knew I could. I have been humbled. I was forced to put all of my faith and trust in the Lord. When the patriarch of the family puts all of his trust in the Lord, he breeds faith. A father can teach his children that no matter what they go through, The Father will not forsake them. Patti and I could have never grown as close as we have if we weren't forced to depend on God the Father for everything.

I am so grateful for my father. I am so thankful for God's un-measurable gift of his Son. I could never imagine sacrificing my son Matthew. I would throw myself on the altar to save him. I would throw myself in front of a bullet for my wife and my son.

The greatest gift that my father ever gave me was complete surrender and faith in God. Dad modeled godliness. I love my Father and his Father more than they will ever know. I hope to be more and more Christ like each day. I hope to continue to grow closer to Father God, so that I can grow closer to my father.

Dad I love you with all my beating heart! You make me a better man each day and I thank you!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thank You Dad! I love you!

June 19, 2009
In a Father's Footsteps
2 KINGS 21:19-22

Children are keen observers of parents. Even when engrossed in some activity, they will often pick up on Mom or Dad's behavior, speech, and thought patterns.

A huge responsibility, then, rests on parents--especially when it comes to how young ones will picture God. The way they think about the heavenly Father is largely influenced by how they relate to the male authority figures in their lives.

If you are involved in a child's upbringing, be intentional about modeling godliness. You can do this by:

1. Hungering for God's Word. Fathers who read Scripture every day are demonstrating the confidence that it holds the answers to life's problems. Your love and respect for the Bible will be contagious!

2. Living in faith. Children should hear their parents talk about how they trust Jesus to provide in each circumstance. There's no better way to learn reliance on the Lord than to watch one's parents turn to Him when they need direction.

3. Praying daily. Kids notice parental priorities and often set the same ones themselves. Mom and Dad can model talking to God in a real way, as if they are talking with another person. This helps children understand--and want--their own intimate relationship with the heavenly Father.

Reflect upon your own childhood--did your dad point you in a godly direction or provide an unbiblical example? How has that affected your spiritual walk? And if you have sons or daughters, ask them how your life influences theirs. Whatever their answer is, memorize Ephesians 6:4 and commit to follow its wisdom.

Friday, June 5, 2009

America: Home of the Slave

Let me preface this by saying that I love America. I love the America that was founded on limited Government, Religious Freedom, military protection, and serving those who are truly in need. I love the Constitution and the creators of this sacred document. It is amazing to me that this group of gentlemen had the foresight to construct a document that would be the governing voice of reason and protection for the individual freedom of each man for more than a couple hundred years. It's simply amazing! The Founders came to this great nation because all of their freedoms were constantly being attacked and revoked by the Crown. Their entire lives were being governed by the king and the Parliament. A few brave men and women set out to defy the king and start a Revolution!

Right now we are being attacked in the very same manner as our Fore Fathers were well over 200 years ago. We are being force fed beliefs, ideals, and big fat sloppy government. America is being ran by a bunch of drunk, bumbling idiot cowards and cowardice's!

I know saying that America is the Home of the Slave is a little offensive, but I'm not going to apologize. We are slaves to this big fat nasty government right now. Every day we wake up, we find ourselves even more enslaved in the mass murder of our freedom. I'm not going to apologize for 8 years of middle east, terrorist butt kicking! I'm not going to apologize for being safe, and going on the offensive after we were attacked. I'm not going to apologize for checking people "who fit the profile" at the airport. I'm not going to apologize for supporting the sanctity of marriage. I'm not going to apologize for preserving life over any and all circumstances. I will not spend my families hard earned money on an apology tour. I am not sorry.

Our Lying Leader campaigned on the promise of not taxing 95% of Americans. The Deceiver has not only taxed the "Top 5%", but he has managed to levy unconstitutional amounts of taxes against the "95%". If you don't see the taxes that have increased every day then you are blind, or you are living off of my paycheck you slug! Look at your energy bill. Look at your shopping receipts. Look at your gas receipts. If you smoke, then how do you like them taxes? I'm not a smoker, but I do not feel that the government needs to continue to tax one of our original cash crop industry's this way. The more they tax big tobacco, the more that big tobacco passes those taxes on to us. The sanctions that were handed down to big tobacco have done nothing except line the wallets and purses of Washington! I also don't want to generalize, but who consumes the most tobacco products? That's right, there are THOUSANDS of percent more people in the 95% that consume tobacco compared to the top 5%. I'm not judging; I'm just relaying some cold hard facts. Tobacco is consumed more by the middle and lower class than the upper class. You don't see Bill Gates smoking do you? You don't see your girl Oprah smoking? You do see lots of broke street people smoking though. Oh yeah, and you see Obama smoking, but that's because he doesn't pay for them, and he doesn't belong to one of our American classes. There are commuter taxes coming. Who commutes to their jobs in the city? That's right, the 95% that can't afford to live in the city! In California, they're trying to shove a law on us that says that vehicles cannot be painted black, because they use their A/C more than other vehicles! Excuse me?! Guess what color Patti and I are going to paint our truck? Jet Black baby!

In California they raised the state income tax in February (again), and between February and two weeks ago, California lost another $20 BILLION in state revenue! California is the poster child of socialism. If it weren't so darn beautiful, I would tell you that I flat out hate this state! This state is so full of greedy, fat, filth; it's repulsive. I wish we could wipe out all of the wimps in Sacramento and start over! To get a view of the direction that this country is headed, all one needs to do is look at the USSR of California!

One of the main reasons that we are so royally messed up is because of immigration. I love the men and women that man our borders! I love them so much that it breaks my heart to know just how unarmed, unprotected, and unprepared they are when it comes to defending our borders from those gangsters that penetrate our great country! And why wouldn't the illegal criminals try with all their might to get across? It's a free pass. Once here they get benefits beyond that of my family. They get food, medical care, retirement benefits, jobs and all for the whopping price of NOTHING! Most of my money goes to the medical care for these illegal criminals! I am a big supporter of the American Dream. America truly is the land of opportunity. There is no other country that gives so many people the opportunity to be so great. But I also believe in following the rules. There are millions of deserving immigrants that have been trying for years to become naturalized Americans. It's a slap in their face if we continue to support the illegal criminals that rape our borders. It's a slap in the faces of our fore fathers if we continue to provide shelter for illegal criminals. "Give me your tired, your poor, and your huddled masses..." This does not mean: Mexico, give me every one you can't handle. Give me your burden. It does not mean: Cuba, give me that which you can no longer take care of. This beautiful quote means, that we will take care of our own. We will take care of those who have given it their best shot and need assistance. It does not mean that we are handing out well-being. It does not mean that we are taking the illegal criminals from our bordering countries. We are being over-run by non-Americans...we are being invaded whether you like it or not. If this labels me a racist by you pansy liberals, then so be it!

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." Theodore Roosevelt, 1919.

Health Care is not a right or a privilege. I said it! Health Care by definition is: YOU TAKING CARE OF YOUR HEALTH! If you don't take care of your self, then it wont matter how much fatty government cheese you main line into your veins! It wont matter if you're paying for it, or if I am...and right now I am. Shape up! This is another area that you're getting smashed with taxes. The big fat step brother is going to make health care not only cheap by definition, but also by quality. What happens is that Jose gets his for free, and I pick up his and my tab. Not only this, but the quality goes down. Don't believe me, then why is it that every Canuck goes to New York for major surgery? Because Nationalized Heath Care sucks! The doctors are being paid less to perform major operations and procedures, therefore the care is either worse or is non-existent. It's just like waiting in line at the DMV or the Post Office. They're not getting paid anymore to do a better job. We need to put Health Care back into the private sector and allow hospitals and doctors to compete for our business. Not only will this provide better quality, but better cost too. And the Doctors will be able to pay their bills as well. It will be a competing market. Just this week, the big fat Fed is trying to shove through a bill that would REQUIRE every one to GET health care. It also would require every business to provide health care or pay a penalty. "Insurance companies profits will be limited..." Like that's any of the Govs business. This lovely little tax, because that's what it is, is called the "American Health Choices Act". What choice? There is no choice. Everyone is forced into this crap care. Next time I need surgery, I'm going to see if my friend Jerrad feels comfortable doing it. If he doesn't than I'll enlist my son, Matthew. As of this time last year there were already more than 100 MILLION people on Medicare and Medicaid. The gristle eating Dem's have a problem with our current system, and now they want to add every single person to the Health Care bill. Not every single American (which I have a problem with), but every single person. Break your way into my country, and you get Health Care. Congratulations you criminal!

We recently had a one billion dollar tax that was to be set aside to reimburse health care providers for their care and expenses that were performed on illegal criminals. We, Americans, have to pay for the health and well-being of them, illegal criminals. And by illegal criminals, I mean just those people who hopped, skipped, and jumped into our country. Can I get an, Excuse Me?! Our Supreme Court even threw these criminals a bone. "... a person cannot be turned away from health care providers in the United States because of nationality or ability to pay." Well, let's just welcome the Sotomayors to America! Arriba, Arriba!!!

I am sick of this government and their lies and abuse. I'm sick of the stupid liberal media who is still in love with the single biggest threat and terrorist in American history. Obama has done nothing but lie and manipulate. It's sad to realize that after the election, 54% of Americans are flat out stupid. Maybe it's that 54% of our country men and women like being abused in some sort of masochistic manner. I'm sick of the dummies, telling people to give it a chance. I'm sick of those dummies saying that everyone sat back and watched Bush tear this country to pieces. I'm sick of those dummies denying that it was their party that has governed for the last 4 years...the worst of the 8. I'm sick of the un-educated people trying to sound intelligent and the media placating to them. I'm sick of them denying safety that has been provided with blood, sweat, and tears. I'm sick of the military hating leftists who hate American soldiers. If you see a soldier you thank him or her and give them a hug. They deserve it! I'm sick of this modern day slavery. I'm sick of being a slave to this country.

I will not give this a chance. It's too dangerous, and I'm too smart to give this socialist, tyrannical non-American a chance. I've seen this episode many times. Hitler lost. Stalin lost. Marx lost. There are countries where this exact government is still in power - Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela. Do me a favor...if you want to give this a chance then please move to one of those countries, so that we can get back to being prosperous Americans. We need to fight, kick, and scream at that abuse that is being passed on to us. Somewhere in a grave FDR is pissed that Obama, a foreigner, is pillaging the Americans better than he.

I love America. I love Americans. I want us to get back to being Americans, and not apologetic, spine-less, socialist, Europeans. So, like in an earlier writing of mine...pray and hope with all that you have that we can make it through the war on America.

That's why we don't play on the chairs...

Because Matthew falls off of them face first against the ground. It's a good thing he's got his father's skull...hardly phased him.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ronni Faye

Last year my Grandfather Ron Durham passed away. The year before that my Grandmother Faye passed away. People tend to take for granted those who are closest to them. We feel that since they are family that they know that we love them. Often times we fail to express sacrifice and love for our family, because we know that they know it. I have recently felt like I didn't tell my father's parents that I loved them enough. I feel like I'm doing the same thing with my Granny Pat now. I'm not sure why this is the case, but one thing I know is that I still have time to correct that with Granny Pat. As for Ron and Faye, I can only tell you all how much I loved them. They were two of the most beautiful people that you would ever be so blessed to meet. Faye was the perennial matriarch, and Ron the loving father. The two of them also raised such wonderful, God Fearing children, who have continued that lineage. What a legacy?! We are called to spread The Word through many different avenues, and one of those is family. Legacy is not what we accumulate and leave behind, but who we impact and the manner in which we impact them. Both Ron and Faye understood this and made this a commitment to the Lord. There are so many things that I love about both of them, but most of all I love that they taught my father to love and honor God in all that he does. It's because of this that Patti and I are naming our coming Daughter, Ronni Faye Durham. We can't wait to share the Word with her...Matthew already loves it!


Many of you know that my blog is very much politically charged. I set out for it to be a blog about everything, but then I titled it "Like it Is". So every time that I have something political on my mind, I feel the need to tell it like it is. I feel that I have a duty as an American to call it like I see it, and to tell it like it is. This is fine and all but I'm not keeping everyone informed on the most important things that are going on in mine and my family's world. I set out to do that, and have failed. Sure there's the Garden post, but that's extremely small amidst all of the changes and blessings that we have had over the past year plus. I will keep telling it "Like it Is", but I would also like for you all to know how God has been working in our lives. I want for you all to know how adorable Matthew is, and how much he develops into this smart and charming young boy every day. I want you to know how God has blessed Patti with the ability of being the best Wife and Mother that a Family could have. I want to start sharing with all of you how the pregnancy of our coming daughter is going. I would like for you all who are close to us to be able to feel as if you are included in all of these wonderful blessings in life. So here goes, I hope you all enjoy sharing our lives, lessons, and blessings!