Jamie, when we had Matthew we went through almost 30 hours of non-productive labor. During that span Patti never dilated more than 4 Cm's and that was including 17+ hours on petocin (the drug used to induce labor). Finally the Docs decided to operate, and when they did, the epidural didn't work. She felt the incision. They quickly had to put her under. They then realized that b/c of the petocin(?), her uterus wouldn't contract back shut. They had to perform multiple major surgeries. They kicked me out with out even seeing Matthew and they had a state of panic about them. When you see surgeons and nurses panic, it's never easy to take. I broke down in the hallway b/c I didn't want Patti's mom to know that anything was going wrong. Matthew was healthy, and for the next few hours I put more into God than I ever had. I need to continue to put that much into Him. In the end He has shown me that He is completely sovereign. He will not forsake us. I love Him more for taking me to that point.
That whole experience you had with Patti and Matthew's birth just shows how amazing GOD is and that EVERYTHING is always in his hands! Thank GOD for him in our lives! I am so glad you are such a great example of what GOD wants us to be!:)
Yes God is so good and yet we are still human beings with deep feelings and connections let alone LOVE for these people we are crying out to God to help. But in the end you found the relationship you were searching for and LOOK at you now!!!! What a great testimony of what God can do and does do for people and the good he does in their lives everyday!!!
So Happy for you and your 2 little darlings!!!
Corie mentioned we may meet you and your family for lunch while we are in San Diego next month!!!
Hope so!!
Thanks Corie and Jamie! We'd love to see you all next month. Keep us posted.
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