The Government needs to get out of the private sector. They can't run a car company; example the "Cash for Clunkers" broke in just one week and then the Government gave that program an additional $2 BILLION on Friday - which is another tax that is levied upon us (which our fear-less leader said he wouldn't do).
They can't run Health Care; Medicare and Medicaid are both broken, and they've levied such enormous regulations and taxes on the Health Care professionals that their costs have to include the additional costs that the government has forced upon them and then they pass them onto the consumer - no free market is allowed in health care if you get down to all of the regulations, and free market historically increases quality and decreases cost.
When I managed restaurants, I had to make sure that all of my costs were covered too. For example; when you ordered a sandwich from me, you were paying for the "butt end" of the lettuce that I would chop off. You were paying for the un-usable pieces of bread. You knew that you were paying for my labor, and the general cost of goods that you consumed. You didn't know that you were paying for the guy to clean the grease traps behind my restaurant. You didn't know that you were paying for the guy that came by bi-weekly to clean the windows. There are so many necessary operational costs that have to be paid's called business. What is so wrong with insurance companies being profitable? Don't they supply many jobs? What is so wrong with Doctors making a profit? Don't they deserve it? They've spent three people's life's savings to become a doctor. What is awful is that Government gets involved in both of their businesses! The Doctors have to cover all of the ridiculous, fraudulent, and unnecessary regulations that have been forced upon them by the government. Also, the Government is requiring us to pay for coverage that we don't need. I only need a few things to be covered. I don't need to pay for STD prevention. If you don't know that sharing needles or sleeping with multiple partners with out protection will KILL you, then you need to be put to sleep. Please, it will only save me money in the long run. I don't need to pay for anything that has to do with tobacco caused cancers. I'm sorry if this is close to home with some one, but again, I could've told you that those things are bad for your body. Even our newly appointed (obiese) Surgeon General knows that. She just doesn't know how to put the doughnut down. Why should I have to pay into a program that covers the morbidly obiese? I know that there are extenuating circumstances, but I shouldn't have to fund a program that teaches parents how to pull the crap out of their freezers! I'm sick of being baby sat and being the baby sitter! What we do need is Health Insurance Savings Plans.
Banking - Tim Geithner (US Secretary of the Treasury) was testifying before a congressional panel, and claimed that he really didn't know where a Half A TRILLION DOLLARS of the most recent stimulus package went. When the Chairman of the panel informed him that it went to FOREIGN Banks, he claimed that it "probably" did happen. What?? In 2008 the top 1% of earners paid just over 40% of all taxes. That number will inevitably increase this year, and it is no secret. This new government has said that they're going after the top 1%. Also, the top 1% give more charitable dollars than the other 99% combined. This too is on the decline. It is the private sector that truly helps people, and they do that with their time and money. The government needs to stay out of the people's business. There has to be some regulation, because with out laws their is only chaos. I want small limited government, and a strong military to keep me safe. People should be able to make as much money as they can handle, people should also jump in and help out a brother or sister in a time of need. Having money isn't a bad thing, because money is what funds charities, not-for-profits, churches, and missions.
Immigration - We need to get 'em out. Then they'll stop being a drain on our society-across the board. Crime, Health Care, Education, Any Public Services, etc... I'm not against people seeking the American Dream, but there's a reason why they coined the phrase "Illegal Aliens". I don't mean to sound insensitive, and in fact, I know that some of my contractors employ illegals. The simple fact is that much of the financial hardships that America, but in particular, California and Arizona (which economy's directly affect each other) face is due to the criminal aliens that we are harboring. We have removed huge amounts of people before...we did it during Vietnam. We pulled people from their lives that may, or may have not been sensitive to the Communist movement. It was ugly, but it worked - it's our Country. A lot of people who would have done us harm were captured, and the rest were still let free to go back to being a criminal alien. I think we would see a financial dent because of it, but that would quickly rebound because our un-employment (which the current administration is ruining) is so dire right now. Americans would be scooping up the jobs that "nobody else wants" because they have to work. Amnesty will solve nothing. It will only enable more criminal aliens to continue to rape our borders. We need to secure our borders, but first we have to remove those which are a burden on our Country. Once this happens, I think you would see that the amount of money that is instantly freed up would be staggering. We would then be able to hire, promote, and equip our Homeland Security forces to do their jobs successfully.
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Jamie, when we had Matthew we went through almost 30 hours of non-productive labor. During that span Patti never dilated more than 4 Cm's and that was including 17+ hours on petocin (the drug used to induce labor). Finally the Docs decided to operate, and when they did, the epidural didn't work. She felt the incision. They quickly had to put her under. They then realized that b/c of the petocin(?), her uterus wouldn't contract back shut. They had to perform multiple major surgeries. They kicked me out with out even seeing Matthew and they had a state of panic about them. When you see surgeons and nurses panic, it's never easy to take. I broke down in the hallway b/c I didn't want Patti's mom to know that anything was going wrong. Matthew was healthy, and for the next few hours I put more into God than I ever had. I need to continue to put that much into Him. In the end He has shown me that He is completely sovereign. He will not forsake us. I love Him more for taking me to that point.
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